Our Team
Administrative Team

Autumn Vest
Autumn Vest has served as the executive director of MSS since March of 2018. A long time Midlander and West Texas native, Autumn has enjoyed the honor of serving professionally in the Midland nonprofit community for more than 15 years. Prior to joining the MSS team, Autumn served as the executive director of Sibley Nature Center and the director of the CAF Airpower Museum. She is a graduate of Midland Lee High School and Texas Tech University and holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of Texas Permian Basin.

Marc Kondrup
Marc grew up in central New Jersey. After completing degrees in Music Education and Biochemistry at Abilene Christian University, he moved to Odessa in 1998 to teach band. Following his successful teaching career in ECISD, Marc went to work as the Technical Director at the Golf Course Road Church of Christ in Midland. As the Operations Director at MSS, loves helping nonprofit organizations collaboration and make Midland a better place for everyone. He has served on the Boards of the West Texas Food Bank, the Midland Odessa Symphony & Chorale, and Permian Basin Opera. Marc also volunteers with many organizations in Midland, Odessa, and Dallas, and is an active clinician, consultant, and adjudicator for band and colorguard across Texas and the United States.

Leslie English
Leslie English is the first Marketing and Development Coordinator for MSS. She started her journey with MSS during COVID as the part-time Impact Coordinator. When the decision was made to create a full-time marketing and development position, she did not hesitate to apply. Leslie was offered the position and eagerly accepted the new role. A West Texas native, she grew up in Snyder, Texas. Leslie has an associate degree in general studies from Midland College and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations from Texas Tech University. While at Texas Tech University she was involved with Tech PR and served as Vice President. Volunteering with Tech PR and other university organizations lead to her interest in nonprofits. To get firsthand experience in the nonprofit world, she applied and was accepted as a summer marketing intern for the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra.
IT Services

Gary J. Hires
A position at Odessa High School brought Gary to wonderful West Texas. After 2 years of teaching, Gary was called into ministry as the Director of Education and Music at Memorial Christian Church of Midland, Texas. After serving 5 years at the church, a new member recognized his talents with technology and offered him a job working in the Midland County Information Technology department. Gary then worked at Midland College in the Workforce Continuing Education department - a position which provided him with many opportunities to share and educate a greater number of people the many ways to leverage technology - for home, work, and play. For over 10 years, the position allowed Gary to research, deploy, and use new and innovative technology – whether commercial or alternative free and open-source software. Gary has served as the IT Director for Midland Shared Spaces since its opening in 2014.

Matthew Green
Having been born and raised in Midland Texas Matthew graduated from Midland Lee High School in 2016, attended Midland College following high school, and received two associate degrees from South Plains College, Live Sound Technology and Sound Technology. Matthew has been applying his technology skills to his current role as an IT Technician for Midland Shared spaces since April of 2022. Before joining MSS Matthew was an assistant producer for the Recording Library of West Texas. Matthew has blended knowledge and skills from his degree along with experience from previous nonprofits to provide excellent support to other nonprofits in the community.

Kaleb Millstead
Meet Kaleb, a Midland, Texas native with a psychology degree from the University of Texas Permian Basin. He was homeschooled from birth until the end of high school, he's called Midland home his entire life. Since April 2022, Kaleb has been contributing as an IT Technician at Midland Shared Spaces, marking his first foray into the non-profit sector. Beyond tech, his passions lie in travel and cooking.

Kent Bowden
Kent Bowden has been the Facilities Manager for MSS since February 2014. Born and raised in West Texas. Kent was formerly employed with Hospice of Midland for 9 years and with Permian Appraisal Company for 21 years. Kent enjoys working with the nonprofits and appreciates what they do to help our community.